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coucher avec (v.)
eff, fuck (coarse;man), sleep with (man), know, go to bed with, engage in coitus, have sexual intercourse, roll in the hay, love, make out, make love, get laid, have sex, do it, be intimate, have intercourse, have it away, have it off, screw, jazz, hump, lie with, bed, have a go at it, bang, get it on, bonk, ball, sex, root, bone, sleep together
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coucher avec (v.)
↘ accouplement, acte charnel, acte de chair, acte sexuel, avoir des rapports, avoir des rapports sexuels, bagatelle, baisable, baisant, baise, besogne, bricole, coït, commerce, copulation, coucherie, fornication, la chose, œuvre de chair, rapport, rapport charnel, rapports, rapport sexuel, relation, relation charnelle, relation sexuelle, sexe, union charnelle, union sexuelle
coucher avec (verbe)
accoupler, coïter — copulate, couple, mate, pair[Hyper.]
baisage, baise, fourgonnage — ass, fuck, fucking, nookie, nooky, piece of ass, piece of tail, roll in the hay, screw, screwing, shag, shtup - ébats, ébats amoureux — love, love life, lovemaking, making love, sexual love - dodo, lit, paddock, pageot, pagnot, pajot, pieu, plumard, plume — bed, couch - erotic love, love, sexual love - partenaire sexuel — lover - baiseur, coucheur — fucker[Dérivé]
bécoter, roucouler — make out, neck - archaïsme — archaicism, archaism[Domaine]
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